To me, the season of Lent is not about Law
It’s not about not eating meat and not going to the movies.
It’s about reconciliation and love.
To the Jews, especially the priests, and the politicians,
It appeared that Jesus would just destroy the law.
So they were angry. And they were right!
In a sense, the law would be destroyed, because a higher law would be coming in.
The lower law would have to go.
Law depends on fear. Law depends on greed. Law punishes you.
The central idea of Law is justice, but justice is not enough.
Justice is crude and hard and violent.
Somebody murders, then the law murders him.
Justice has no spirituality in it, it is mathematical.
It appeared that Jesus would just destroy the law.
So they were angry. And they were right!
In a sense, the law would be destroyed, because a higher law would be coming in.
The lower law would have to go.
Law depends on fear. Law depends on greed. Law punishes you.
The central idea of Law is justice, but justice is not enough.
Justice is crude and hard and violent.
Somebody murders, then the law murders him.
Justice has no spirituality in it, it is mathematical.
You have killed somebody, then the law kills you.

But if killing is wrong, then how can the law be right?
The law itself is very much lacking, it depends on the same evil.
“Law is better than lawlessness, but compared to love, law itself is lawlessness.” -- Osho
Only compassion can allow your being to bloom.
Only compassion can help you come to your highest peak – not justice.
When Jesus started talking about love, the people who were law abiding became very much afraid.
They feared that if the law were dropped, the animal hiding inside of them would jump out, and would tear down the whole society.
They knew that their faces were only beautiful on the outside.
Deep down, great ugliness. Suppressed. Repressed.
When Jesus says, ‘Drop all masks’, they become afraid and angry.
‘This man is dangerous. He eats and drinks. He consorts with prostitutes. He eats with sinners and exploiters. This man has to be punished and destroyed before he destroys society”.
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