Jesus has been very much misunderstood.
Even in his time.
He was not telling people just to drop their masks.
He was saying, “I have brought you an alchemy, so that your real face can be beautiful.
Why carry this mask? Why this weight? I give you a higher law that needs no fear. It needs no greed. It needs no enforcement from the outside. My law rises in you because of understanding, not because of fear.”
Moses is a must, but Moses must go also.
Moses has dome his work; he has prepared the ground.

When Jesus appears, Moses’ work is fulfilled.
But the Jews – the priests, the scribes, the literate and powerful people -- were angry. It was very difficult to uncling themselves from the past.
Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar
And there rememberest
That thy brother hath ought against thee;
Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way;
First be reconciled to thy brother,
And then come and offer thy gift.
Jesus says that if you come to the temple or the Church with flowers
And with money for the collection
And with bread for the blessing
And remember that somebody is angry at you
That you have angered somebody
Then first it is necessary to go back and be reconciled to your brother.
And all are brothers here, because the Father is one.
The point is,
It’s not important whether you are angry at somebody.
The point is you remember that your friend, your brother, your sister
Is angry at you.
Prayer can only be done when you are tuned.
And Jesus says a very psychologically valid thing.
If, while before the altar, you remember that you have angered somebody, and somebody is still carrying a wound because of you – somebody is angry somewhere,
Then go and help that person to heal
Bring things to a reconciliation.
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