Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Wedding at Cana

Quakers say that God has nothing else but you;
only you -- that's what God has.

This insight has to penetrate deeply.
Jesus Christ. The Buddha.
The great 'yes' sayers.

And so, was Mary the Mother of Jesus.
Another great 'yes' sayer.

She's not the pathetic, long faced, woman the Christian artists make her out to be.
Look in the Bible.

There was this feast. A wedding feast.
Everyone was making merry and then- oh no!- they run short of wine.

Wine. the stuff that flows and that which makes Bacchus dance.

If Mary was the sanctimonius, 'no-sayer' and spoil-sport,
the first ever recorded miracle of Jesus would never have happened!

Mary was no 'Naga Mother against Alcoholism'!
She goes up to her son, taps him on the shoulder and says
'They have no wine.' Just like any mum would tell her son.

Jesus, just like the playful fellow that he is, teases her
"Woman, why do you bother me, what can i do about it?"

Mary probably sees the twinkle in her son's eyes.
She tells the servants of the house. 'Do whatever he tells you."

And Jesus asks them to fill the wine jars with water.
And to take a sampling to the Chief steward of the feast.

And the steward is amazed.
He tells the servants, where have you been keeping this good stuff?'

Usually the best wines are served first
and when everybody is a bit sozzled, you roll out the inferior stuff.
But you chaps have kept the best wine for later!

What better example of the fun-loving, yes-saying nature
of Jesus Christ and his Mother.

Yet , it's so sad that 'pious christians' have taken the joyous teachings of Christ
and made the into a long-faced, painful, hypocritical religion
that says 'no' at every turn....


allenbhai said...

I subscribe to your gentle and loving way of looking at the Wedding at cana story. It makes Jesus so much more huam than ever.

Unknown said...

I have read this particular portion of The Bible many a times..but have never looked at it this way.
Through this article I feel that both Jesus and Mother Mary are commoners just like us.
Now I feel more close to Him!
Thank you Sir :)