Saturday, March 24, 2007


Life cannot be static.
Life cannot be stagnant.
Life must flow.

The other day, I heard somebody say,
"There is no life if there are no surprises."

And this set me thinking.
Every minute is a surprise, because you don't know what's it going to bring.

This past week, I have been travelling.

And oh my goodness, didn't it bring surprises!

A lot of surprises.. that one couldn't really call pleasant at that time.

Like finding out that for some strange reason my bank hasn't credited
an important cheque, that I was banking on to do some shopping!

surprise... you've got to change that programme.

Like being caught in the middle of a freak thunderstorm
that turned into pouring rain and hail
that caused a whole lot of traffic jams
on the way to Delhi Airport... that was a surprise
and the greaterone was that I didn't miss the flight
the storm caused congestion at the airport

and that resulted in the most breathtaking surprise of all
watching beautiful Bangalore at night from the air
like Diwali and Christmas rolled in to one
the entire cabin fell silent as we slowly cruised above
the soft lights of the garden city...

and a thought crossed my mind
The pilots who bomb cities must be having this beautiful view.
How beautiful and peaceful, Baghdad must have looked
or any other town on planet earth...

And yet, how could they push a button....

To destroy...????

Imagine all the people, living for today .....

1 comment:

allenbhai said...

You may same I'm a dreamer
But i'm not the only one
Someday you"ll join us
And the world will be one