Friday, July 5, 2024

Let's keep God Out of it!

The Master said that he wanted a new shirt for his birthday.

His disciples were delighted .

The finest cloth was bought.

The village tailor was summoned. he came in to have the Master measured, and promised:

"By the will of God, I will have the shirt ready within a week."

A week went by, and a disciple was dispatched to the tailor, while the Master excitedly waited for his shirt.

Said the tailor, "There has been some delay. But, by the will of God, it will be ready by tomorrow."

The next day, the tailor said, "I'm sorry it isn't done. Try again tomorrow, and, if God wills, it will certainly be ready.

The following day, the Master said: "Ask him how long it will take if he keeps God out of it!"

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

After a silence... to speak

We all have special days to remember the dead, don't we?  Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jew, Buddhist...
The reason perhaps is that these prayers and rituals we send up for our 'ancestors' or 'dearly beloved' are really a way of lessening our own fright of death ... the great unknown.
And somehow we want to believe in a heaven or an afterlife where  all of us 'good souls' will be together again?
But have you thought about it?
Would you really be able to stand your family being in your face for all eternity?
What about that cantankerous great grandfather, or that grumpy uncle.... maybe you are hoping that
they haven't made it up there? Or perhaps you believe that they will be in the 'other place'?
What does that say about you or the other place...? Or your beliefs?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Give Thanks

The year draws to an end.

As every year does, it has brought with it
challenges and opportunities
separations and reunion'
laughter and tears...

It's November

Five days to Thanksgiving...
and I'm just reminded
that it makes sense
to give praise

for all that has happened this year......

Friday, November 26, 2010


Thanksgiving is a festival connected with American history and culture. For me, however, the last Thursday of November marks a day set aside for a few quiet moments. It’s a day to ponder upon the way the Universe has been kind to me.

Have I really learnt to ‘give thanks in all circumstances, to give thanks for all things’?

What are the wonderful things that happened to me this past year, since the last Thanksgiving? What were the opportunities I had for learning?

Who are the new people who have come into my life? What are the new opportunities I got to be happy and make others happy?
As I sit, in the quiet moments of that space between night and dawn, on the close of yet another Thanksgiving Day, I feel my heart opening up to the silence of the Universe, and my mind letting go of the tensions and worries of everyday living. And from somewhere, inside my consciousness, from inside my being, there is a wonderful one-ness with creation, and tears flow… tears of gratitude, tears of joy. As I sit in thankful meditation, I get, for a fleeting moment, a glimpse of the tapestry that is being woven by the Great Weaver in the Sky, as I see in how many beautiful ways hundreds of times throughout the year, She Who Has No Name has worked her miracles for me through the hands of countless people.

I realize, once again, that I am not alone, not for one single moment of the day. I realize that I, perhaps small, perhaps insignificant, definitely imperfect am still the receiver of a boundless, infinite Love. And that is immensely comforting.

That’s what I give thanks for on Thanksgiving Day.